Maltese (long coat) : : Male : : Adult : : Small
“Mama, let’s play!”
Isaiah is a Maltese, eight years and nine months old. His family dealt with his skin infection and itchiness for his entire life, but decided it was costing them too much money and they didn’t want to continue dealing with it—so signed him over. We consulted his veterinarian who recommended switching his food to a novel protein, other than chicken. He is now eating salmon and sweet potato-based food, and because he is not a big boy and doesn’t eat much, it is not costing a huge amount of money to continue this diet. We have opted not to allergy test him since he is improving dramatically with this change in food. He is also taking Apoquel injections which help relieve itching, and his ears have been treated aggressively with one-time antibiotic eardrops packed into the ears, which has already made a huge difference in the swelling, inflammation, and redness in his ears. At one point when he arrived, his ears were so inflamed, we thought he might be hearing impaired. It is a great relief to find out that he listens to his foster mom‘s voice, and loves to play. It makes so much difference when you feel better! His chronic skin issues most likely can be controlled through diet, as well as medicated baths as needed, and with attention given to any upsets he has as the days go on. He is fully vaccinated too.
We are preaching from the pulpit here: when you purchase a dog from a pet store, (and we don’t know that’s where he came from but most small breeds like this do come from pet stores) you can count on issues because of the unknown genetics from the puppy mills that produce them. If you are willing to spend $2000 to $3000 on a dog from a pet store, be prepared to spend at least that much in the first couple years dealing with health issues if they arise. We are sorry this family felt they could no longer handle it, but we are certainly glad that we are being given the opportunity to help Isaiah feel better and find a home with someone willing to continue his treatment.
Isaiah prances when leashed, walks with confidence, eats healthy, and plays! He is laid-back, housetrained, absolutely fine with other dogs, and although he would probably be fine with small children, for his safety we are asking for families with children over the age of eight to consider adoption. What a precious boy he is! To find an application go to our website, www.friendsofcampbellcounty.org.
PLEASE NOTE: This pet has been posted by Friends of Campbell County Animal Control, Rustburg, VA. For questions about the pet, please email us at FOACinfo@gmail.com. All adoptions begin with an application, found under the "Animals" tab on our website, friendsofcampbellcounty.org. *Unaltered babies under the age of six months can be adopted only to residents of Campbell County, the City of Lynchburg, and counties touching Campbell County. *Unaltered adult pets six months or older will need to be sterilized before they can be adopted outside our local area of Campbell County, the City of Lynchburg, or counties touching Campbell. *We do not promote dog adoptions to homes where an invisible fence is the fencing of choice. *We do not permit cats or kittens to be declawed following adoption.
More about Isaiah - Not at the ShelterGood with Dogs, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only
Our process begins with an application, found on our website, www.friendsofcampbellcounty.org. Once your application has been received, a volunteer will call the references you list and then will contact you.
Other Pictures of Isaiah - Not at the Shelter (click to see larger version):
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