Iris - At the Shelter's Web Page

Unknown breed (short coat)  : :  Female  : :  Adult  : :  Medium

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Located in Campbell County, Virginia. Please begin with an application, found here: We place calls to your vet, your landlord, and your personal reference. We ask that the pets in your home be current with rabies vaccines, spay/neutered, and seen by a veterinarian for wellness.

About Iris - At the Shelter

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: White
  • Current Size: 38 Pounds
  • Current Age: 8 Years 10 Months (best estimate)
  • Declawed: No
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate
  • Grooming Needs: Low
  • Shedding Amount: Moderate
  • Owner Experience Needed: None
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly

It would appear that this beautiful girl, which we are told is a stray from Roundtree Road in Brookneal, recently gave birth to puppies, as she is engorged and is producing plentiful milk. She is well socialized, clean, no fleas or ticks, and appears healthy other than being thin from recent birth. We scratch our heads over her appearance as a “stray,” because she is so unlike most of the strays we see. Was she out looking for food for herself? Where are her puppies? Why did someone let her out of their sight if she has a new family to feed? Did her puppies die at birth? We just don’t know anything about her. We are hoping you will recognize her, or will have heard stories about a dog giving birth, or have insight somehow into her appearance as a new mom who is now at the shelter. If there are puppies waiting for her, we would love to have them re-united. It does not appear she has been nursing, however, so that adds yet another twist to things. You may private message our page, or you may call the shelter to let them know what you know. 438214416. This pet has been posted by Friends of Campbell County Animal Control, Rustburg, VA. For questions about the pet, please email us at All adoptions begin with an application, found under the "Animals" tab on our website, Please note that we do not promote dog adoptions to homes where an invisible fence is the fencing of choice, and unaltered adult pets six months or older will need to be sterilized before they can be adopted outside our local area of Campbell County or counties touching Campbell.

More about Iris - At the Shelter

Good with Adults

Our process begins with an application, found on our website, Once your application has been received, a volunteer will call the references you list and then will contact you.

Video of Iris - At the Shelter:

Other Pictures of Iris - At the Shelter (click to see larger version):

Iris - At the Shelter Iris - At the Shelter Iris - At the Shelter